The other day I was on twitter and saw a post about #26acts. I had no idea what this was about or really thought too much about it. I few minutes later I decided I would be that guy who googles a hash tag, what I found was amazing. If you don't know #26acts is about the Newtown tragedy and challenges people to do 26 acts of kindness for the 26 victims. I went to bed last night thinking about what others may do for acts of kindness or how many people would be involved. Thats what I thought what if every counselor we had last summer did 26 acts of kindness? Let's say between Day Camp and Resident Camp and full time staff we had 200 staff members who all did 26 acts of kindness, that would be 5,200 acts of kindness. Think of difference that would make.
Today I started with the 26 acts of kindness with a trip to Wal-mart where I saw a cart boy out and about finding carts all over the parking lot. As I walked to my car I really didn't think too much of it and then took a second to look around. Have you ever noticed how many carts are not put back and just left randomly? Well today I decided why not take a few minutes out of my day and help out. I grabbed a few carts and got to pushing. Once the cart boy figured out I was helping he and I got to talking about life. He told that if everyone just took the carts back to where they go it would have only taken him 15 minutes to bring them back, instead he had been out there twice as long. After getting most of the carts in, I wished him a Merry Christmas and went on my way. The young man wished me the same as well as a happy new year and fished the carts. This hadn't been the act I was thinking I was going for today but I'm happy I helped.
When I woke up today I couldn't stop thinking about a topic we had talked about at a Monday morning meeting a few weeks ago. Scott came to the meeting like he normally does and we did devotion and got to the rest of business. Once we had finished business Scott stopped everyone and told us that one of the board members had been hospitalized with cancer. Now most times you don't know your board members but at Camp we have many dinners and interactions with the board. Rob is one of the newest members and he loves to remind us of that when he talks to the staff. The issue that weighed on my heart was that Rob has 3 kids all under the age of 5 and he will be away from them at Christmas. I can't imagine being away from family during this time of year. So to show my support for Rob and his family I decided to shave my head tonight. Below are the pictures of the process and I need to give big thanks to Jordan for heling me out.
Rob I hope that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas. Know that you are supported by everyone here at camp and we pray for you everyday. For everyone else if you haven't thought about joining the #26acts movement think about how big this could become. Pray for Rob and his family as they are in for quite the battle. Good night all.
Thanks Adam! I think Brosman should shave his head too. You know, a lead by example thing ;)